Life Saving Victoria (LSV)
Life Saving Victoria (est. 2002) is an initiative of the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia,

Victoria Branch (est. 1904), and Surf Life Saving Victoria (est. 1947) whose joint mission is to prevent death and injury related to aquatic activities in all Victorian communities. They have a vision, and mission, to teach and foster water-safety, swimming, and resuscitation, and aim to provide to all Victorians, safe aquatic environments, and venues, including swimming pools, beaches, and wherever water-related activities are carried out in Victoria.
Life Saving Victoria achieves this by working together with its members, communities, educational institutions, the government, and other like organisations, with the aim of best practice education, surveillance and rescue services, as well as training, and aquatic risk management services. Life Saving Victoria is implementing new lifesaving and water safety initiatives while respecting the proud traditions and programs of the Royal Life Saving and the Surf Life Saving National organisations.
LSV’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Projects – and the partnership between RKF and LSV
Australia’s population has increased, and still is, over time, and the diversity and constitution of it’s people have increased along with that. Victoria becomes more culturally diverse every day, but unfortunately many of the more recent Australians have not received the water or swimming education that is so important to their safety. Thus, there has been a disproportional amount of drowning and water-related injuries in the communities to which these Australians belong, as compared to the rest of the community.
As a result of this, Life Saving Victoria created its CALD Department, offering aquatic training and education programs, which play a vital and much-needed role in providing opportunities for aquatic involvement, and this delivering fundamental water safety messages to all Victorians.
The LSV absolutely and enthusiastically supports the RKF, as both organisations have the parallel objectives of making aquatic environments safer for International students and the CALD community in general. The LSV supplements the RKF program with its accrued knowledge of CALD communities and the afore-mentioned education and training activities.